Для того, чтобы ваш забор был примером для подражания и ловил на себе восторженные взгляды, нужно установить правильно заборные столбы. В этом видео я открою много секретов о том, как сделать это правильно, о том как поставить столбы на долгие годы.
Купить МОТОБУР, бесплатная доставка ali.pub/2bh01q
В данном видео мы показываем и рассказываем о том, как рождается новая, живая красота. А именно — живая беседка из ивы :)
Каркас колонн выполнен из металлической, гладкой арматуры 6 мм.
Покрытие земли внутри беседки — материал Агроютекс.
Принцип плетения колонны аналогичен плетению живого дерева или изгороди.
As you might know from my Instagram posts, Ive recently restored and cleaned my workshop. Under a lot of trash, covered in dust, I found an old railroad track. I had no idea it was there and obviously I had no use for it. For that reason I decided to make a small anvil out of it. I always wanted to have a small one.
First I went online and did some research about anvils. After I had an idea how it should look like I started to cut it in shape with the angle grinder. I milled the surfaces flat after a rough shaping with the angle grinder and drilled a hole in it. If you dont have access to a milling machine, you could also grind the surfaces clean with an angle grinder. Having the top surfaces finished I was able to start shaping the horn. First I cut of the biggest pieces with the angle grinder and then I started to shpae the horn. Rough shaping at first with the angle grinder, then smoothing out with a file and then sandpaper. To remove all the rust I decided to give it a quick sandblast. If you dont have access to a sandblaster you could also remove the rust with a wire wheel or just grind it all clean with the angle grinder. For rust protection I used cold bluing. I then sanded all the functional surfaces clean again. This also gave the whole thing a nice touch and some contrast.
Im more than happy how it turned out and I cant wait to start using it on future projects.
I hope you like my work and the video.
Huge thank you to all of my Patreon and PayPal supporters and specially to:
Adel AlSaffar
Alex McGeorge
Courtney Maleport
David Barker
Greg Marston
Mellissa Marcus
Paul Mampilly
Vince Valenti
Xavier Carbel
Yale Baker
Alan Hanson
Alex Breton
alex latzko
Alex Shipley
Aljoscha Erlebach
Allen Frank
Amanda Taylor, Esq
Andreas Mimra
Andrew Phillips
Anthony Adams
Arni Bjorgvinsson
Brian Newton
Chad Bryant
Cristian Zorilla
Damian Rickard
Dre Gilley
Grok Senften
Harper Kim
Hunter R.
JD Smith
Jeremy Cole
Jessica Alexander
Jonas Richartz
Jordan Page
Joshua Bentley
Jozette Soto
justin f.
Kelly Imgrund
Marc Cerisier
Martin Rønnow Klarlund
Mellissa McConnell
Michael Bier
Mike Donaldson
Nick Cannon
Pasacal Schmikal
Paul Ambry
Robert Everich
Scott Marshall
Stuart Mitchell
The Carlsons
Trevor Kam
Warren G Strand Jr
웅록 윤
Time and costs of this restoration:
I was working on this project for 2 days
$20 Angle Grinder Discs
My camera:
Panasonic HC-V180
If you have any questions about the process, machines im using or other stuff, just ask me in the comments. I read them all and i try to reply as soon as possible.
Sorry for my bad english, its not my language. I try my best to improve my technical english.
Subscribe for more of my content. Im uploading videos about mechanical stuff, as new creations and buildings and also restorations.
Продолжаю эксперименты со станком. В этом видео сделаю шифер-элемент кровли из пластиковых бутылок своими руками.
Как создавался этот станок www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3sG5_AzuKE
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Видео о строительстве одноэтажного загородного дома.Полезная информация о том, как построить дом от фундамента до крыши.В видео собраны все этапы строительства.